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Clayton Eshleman

...has also received a Guggenheim Fellowship in Poetry, two Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, two Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and several research Fellowships...

Elaine Equi

...has appeared in a number of Best American Poetry compilations as well as in publications such as The New Yorker and American Poetry Review. Equi lives in New York with...

Robin Blaser

...the ‘collected’ poems of Robin Blaser. Within the five hundred pages of The Holy Forest moves a lifetime’s thought such as we are not used to or prepared for. Whitman...

John Ashbery

...taken the opportunity provided a long-living poet not to collect but to select what in his opinion constitutes the best part of his later production. These ‘notes’ proceeding from the...

A. F. Moritz

...into my lap. Come let me pet you, comfort you and take comfort while there’s time, while you last. How calm you are: content, it seems, with your infirmity, your...

Jeramy Dodds a research archaeologist and co-edits for littlefishcartpress. Crabwise to the Hounds 2009 Shortlist Coach House Books, Canada Purchase Judges’ Citation A research archaeologist by training, Dodds is sounding the...

Kevin Connolly

...make sense of the noise we’ve been making and the sounds coming from others. Through a multiplicity of voices and attacks, maskings and menacings, Connolly conducts an existential research that...

Dean Young

...voice coming toward us in our dented sorrow, our dark dread saying everything will be okay. Bright opening bright opening where does it come from? How can we get there?...