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Liz Howard

...of Toronto, and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Guelph. She has completed creative writing and Indigenous arts residencies at McGill University, University of Calgary, UBC Okanagan,...

Soraya Peerbaye

Soraya Peerbaye’s first collection of poetry, Poems for the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names, was nominated for the Gerald Lampert Award. Her poems have appeared in Red Silk: An Anthology...

Don Paterson a jazz guitarist. He lives in Edinburgh. 40 Sonnets 2016 Shortlist Faber & Faber, UK Purchase Judges’ Citation About half the poems in Don Paterson’s latest book are strict...

Joy Harjo

...Tulsa, Oklahoma. In June 2019, Joy Harjo was appointed U.S. Poet Laureate. Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings 2016 Shortlist W. W. Norton & Company, USA Purchase Judges’ Citation Joy Harjo has...

Jordan Abel

Jordan Abel is a Nisga’a writer currently completing his PhD at Simon Fraser University, where he focuses on digital humanities and indigenous poetics. Abel’s conceptual writing engages with the representation...

Denise Riley

...such loss. But what might appear to be the bare cupboard of grief is, in her poem, packed with voices, entrances and movements that doubt their own validity and are,...

Alice Oswald

...June 2019, Alice Oswald was elected to the prestigious role of Oxford Professor of Poetry. Falling Awake 2017 International Winner Penguin Random House/Jonathan Cape, UK W. W. Norton & Company, USA...

Donald Nicholson-Smith

Donald Nicholson-Smith is a translator and freelance editor. Born in Manchester, England, he is a long-time resident of New York City. His translations include works by Thierry Jonquet, Guy Debord,...