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Frederick Seidel’s poetry collections include Final Solutions: Poems, 1959 – 1979Sunrise (1980), which who the National Book Critics Circle Award in Poetry and the Lamont Prize; My Tokyo (1993); Going Fast (1998), which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize; The Cosmos Poems, illustrated by Anselm Kiefer (2000); Life on Earth (2001); Area Code 212 (2002); Ooga-Booga (2006), Poems 1959–2009 (2009), Nice Weather (2012), Widening Income Equality (2016), So What (2024), among others. He is the recipient of numerous prizes including the 2002 PEN/Voelker Award for Poetry. Frederick Seidel is a founding editor of The Paris Review, a protégé of Ezra Pound and Robert Lowell, and one of the original Elaine’s crowd. He was born in St. Louis and graduated from Harvard and now lives in New York City.

Judges’ Citation

Frederick Seidel’s work reminds us that it is not poetry’s job to reassure, to confirm expectations and habits of thought.

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