Heather McHugh is Milliman Distinguished Writer-in-Residence at the University of Washington. In addition to six acclaimed books of poetry, including most recently, the Pulitzer Prize finalist Eyeshot, and the collection of essays Broken English: Poetry and Partiality, she has translated poems by Jean Follain and Euripides’ Cyclops.
Glottal Stop: 101 Poems by Paul Celan 2001 International Winner
Judges’ Citation
Nikolai Popov and Heather McHugh have achieved the seemingly impossible: more than translating Celan into English, they have found a way to translate English into Celan.
Selected poems
by Heather McHugh
O little root of a dream
you hold me here
undermined by blood,
no longer visible to anyone,
property of death.
Curve a face
that there may be speech, of earth,
of ardor, of
things with eyes, even
here, where you read me blind,
where you
refute me,
to the letter.
Copyright © 2000, Nikolai Popov and Heather McHugh, translated from the German written by Paul Celan, Glottal Stop: 101 Poems by Paul Celan, Wesleyan University Press
O Little Root of a Dream
the German written by Paul Celan
The sight of the songbirds at dusk,
through a ring of
ungraphed space,
made me promise myself weapons.
The sight of weapons, hands;
the sight of hands, the line
long since described by a flat, sharp
– you, wave,
carried it here, sharpened it,
you, Un-
losable One, gave yourself to it,
you, beach sand, are the taker,
you, shore-grass, drift
your share –
the line, the line
we swim through, twice each
millennium, tied up
in each other,
and not even the sea,
sublime unfathomable sea
that runs alive through us,
can believe
all the singing in our fingers.
Copyright © 2000 Paul Celan (translated by Nikolai Popov and Heather McHugh)
The sight of the songbirds at dusk
the German written by Paul Celan
Voices, scored into
the waters’ green.
When the kingfisher dives,
the split second whirs:
What stood by you
appears on every shore
mown down
into another image.
* * *
Voices from the nettles:
Come to us on your hands.
All you can read, alone
with a lamp, is your palm.
* * *
Voices, night-knotted, ropes
on which you hang your bell.
Dome yourself over, world:
when death’s shell washes up on shore
a bell will want to ring.
* * *
Voices that make your heart
recoil into your mother’s.
Voices from the hanging tree
where old growth and young growth
exchange rings.
* * *
Voices, guttural, amid the debris,
where even infinity shovels,
runnels of
(cardio-) slime.
Launch here the boats I manned,
my son.
Amidships, when an evil wind takes charge,
the clamps and brackets close.
Jacob’s voice:
The tears.
Tears in the eye of my brother.
One clung. It grew.
We live in there.
Now, breathe –
so it may
* * *
Voices inside the ark:
the mouths
were saved. Hear us,
o sinking things.
* * *
voice –
late noise, stranger to the hour,
gift to your thoughts, born of
wakefulness here in the final
account: a
carpel, large as an eye, and deeply
scored: bleeds
sap, and won’t
heal over.
Copyright © 2000 Paul Celan (translated by Nikolai Popov and Heather McHugh)
Voices, scored into
the German written by Paul Celan