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Arc Poetry Magazine: Deadline to Submit


For over 40 years, Arc has been pub­lish­ing the best in con­tem­po­rary poetry. Arc invites sub­mis­sions from poets at all stages of their writing careers. Submit here. Arc has two reading periods: submissions received from April 1 to July 31 will be read for the Winter issue submissions received from September 1 to December 31 November 30 will be read …


Arc Poetry’s August Award of Awesomeness


In April 2020, Arc began a monthly prize – a 50/50 cash prize, a vintage object d’art (loosely interpreted) and the all the honour and respect that comes with winning the Arc Award of Awesomeness. DEADLINE: The last day of the month Contest Guidelines: The entry fee is $2 CDN. We recommend taping …

$10 – $20

Deadline for Submissions: Arc’s 100th Issue


Join us as we celebrate Arc Poetry Magazine’s 100th issue! In this special call, we’re looking for poems that respond to work published in previous issues of Arc. These response poems will be one part of our 100th issues hullabaloo. We are interested in moving forward while glancing back. Some examples of …


Arc Poetry: Submission Deadline


Arc accepts pre­vi­ously unpub­lished poetry in English or pre­vi­ously unpub­lished translations of poetry into English, on any sub­ject and in any form. Poets may only submit once per calendar year. Poetry submissions must not exceed three poems or 360 lines of poetry. Submissions of more than one poem must be …

Free – $2