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"Forty days of snow are registered in the Paris archives of 1435, the trees died and the birds ...

Mais où sont les neiges d’antan? (1461 François Villon)




But where is the last yeares snow? (1653)




Tell me, if ye know; What is come of last year's snow? (1835)




Where is fled the south wind's snow? (1835)




But where are the snows of yester-year? (1869)




But where is the last year's snow? (1877)




But what is become of last year's snow? (1899)




But - where are the last year's snows? (1900)




But where indeed is last year's snow? (1900)




Where are the snows of yesteryear? (1900)

from Snowline

Donato Mancini

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Poem of the Week