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Absolutely no angels in this death poem.

Half-baked poets offer angels for consolation

the way neighbours offer fruitcake at Christmas.

Absolutely no talk of Christmas in this death poem.

Resurrection went out with yesterday's trash and

holy stars and wise men appear on hockey jerseys.

Absolutely no wise men in this death poem.

Wise men have never made dying understandable.

They've drawn no pie charts or graphs for the soul.

Absolutely no mention of souls in this death poem.

THe soul is not a ship, or a bird, or a flag, or a flower.

We have no power of attorney over it, no death connection.

Absolutely no mention of death in this death poem.

Angels are listening and the wise men are sketching.

Look at where all these souls are headed and tell no one.

No Angels in This Death Poem

Priscila Uppal

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translated from the Arabic written by
Dunya Mikhail
Clayton Eshleman


translated from the Spanish written by
Cesar Vallejo