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One was always going when the other was coming back

One was biting a green apple

The deeper the evening the louder the singing

Throwing the core out the window

An oar stirred the dark then quit

A face drenches itself in carlight

A wrist wearing a man's watch dipped a net

Even as one turned toward an unfinished building

The other wondered what one would have on

Upon returning will the hair be fallen or cropped

If one reaches what is grasped for

Gnats go for the eyes

Will utter disappointment set in

Will it be water or milk or wine tonight

Mostly one listened in the low-intensity glow

Of events one sustains incomprehensible feelings

Ponds, In Love

C. D. Wright

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Poem of the Week

Elizabeth Winslow


translated from the Arabic written by
Dunya Mikhail