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Tasos Livaditis (Anastasios Panteleimon Livaditis) was born in Athens in 1922, and had his first poem “The Hatzidimitri Song” published in Elefthera Grammata in 1946.  His book Women with Equine Eyes was a landmark in his literary career and marked his turn into the introverted and existential poetry of his middle life.  He worked for the magazine Art Review from 1962–1966 where he published political reviews and critiques.  In 1986 he published Violets for a Season, which is considered his swan song.  He died in Athens on October 30, 1988, and his remaining handwritten poems were published after his death in a book titled Autumn Handwritings.  He was the recipient of the First Poetry Prize in the World Youth Poetry Festival of Warsaw in 1953, the First Poetry Prize of the City of Athens in 1957, the second National Literary Prize for Poetry in 1976, and the First National Literary Prize for Poetry in 1979.

Tasos Livaditis – Poems, Volume II 2023 Longlist