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A-frame Poetry Workshops with Rachel McCrum

The Al Purdy A-Frame is offering a new series of poetry workshops with poet, performer, event curator, and workshop facilitator Rachel McCrum. Each workshop will be one hour in length, followed by an optional 30-minute Q&A and discussion with the facilitator. These workshops can be taken as individual units, or …



In fact, every day is #todayspoem day. With the #todayspoem hashtag, you can share an excerpt from any poem that happens to have made your day. Everyone shares their #todayspoem experience a little differently, with an image, a link, an excerpt, whatever fits in a tweet. Each tweet is enough …

Poem in Your Pocket Day

Poem in Your Pocket Day is an annual initiative organized by the Academy of American Poets to celebrate National Poetry Month. The League of Canadian Poets joined this initiative for the first time in 2016, adding some of our favourite Canadian poems and poets to the mix! Every April people …



In fact, every day is #todayspoem day. With the #todayspoem hashtag, you can share an excerpt from any poem that happens to have made your day. Everyone shares their #todayspoem experience a little differently, with an image, a link, an excerpt, whatever fits in a tweet. Each tweet is enough …


Poetry and Translation with Erín Moure

Over the six weeks this program will create a relaxing and intriguing online group workspace to discuss poems that participants want to translate. (Poems, or mixed-genre texts, or any text that you wish to workshop alongside poems!) The program will privilege curiosity, helpfulness, a bit of risk-taking to carry us …