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Paul Muldoon interviews Douglas Kearney

I have a plan but the poem tells me, ‘Nah, don’t do that. Dream bigger, try something different.’

Douglas Kearney

In this interview with Griffin Trustee Paul Muldoon, 2022 Griffin Poetry Prize International Finalist Douglas Kearney discusses the various meanings of Sho, the title of his shortlisted collection, how prosody emerges from “different sounds clattering against each other,” and whether the horror of the Middle Passage can be addressed via tactics such as pun or irony. The interview includes a reading of “Do the Cruiseline-up Slowgrind-up!” from Kearney’s shortlisted collection, Sho (Wave Books).

Interviews Archive

Ann Lauterbach interviewed by Mark Doty

“I have a desire for people to understand horizontality as a very important way to live.” –Ann Lauterbach In this interview with Griffin Trustee Mark …