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GLYPHÖRIA – Translating Language and Sound Special Issue


GLYPHORIA: TRANSLATING LANGUAGE AND SOUND CURATED BY ELI TAREQ EL BECHELANY-LYNCH Performance has often been a second thought for many writers. The focus has often been on the written word, rather than what the work might sound like reading out loud. Spoken word poets, of course, have often cared more …


The Best Literary Translations 2024 anthology: Call for Submissions


Submissions open: October 15, 2022 to January 2, 2023 Deep Vellum is accepting nominations for the inaugural edition of an exciting new anthology initiative: The Best Literary Translations 2024. We are honored to showcase literary translators’s work to make possible literary encounters from around the world for the English-language reader. …


World Literature Today Translation Prize 2023


Who can enter? The contest is open to all students in translation studies programs. What can they submit? An entry is a prose piece of up to 1,000 words or up to three poems. Each piece must be accompanied by a professional cover letter. That letter must include the name …


University of Calgary – Canadian Writer-in-Residence Deadline to Apply


Apply to be Canadian Writer-in-Residence For 25 years, the Calgary Distinguished Writers Program (CDWP) has fostered promising Canadian writers. Our Canadian Writers-in-Residence have gone on to great success, including alumni such as Eden Robinson, Larissa Lai, Suzette Mayr, Sina Queyras, Deborah Willis, and Governor-General’s Literary Award winners Oana Avasilichioaei and …


Modern Poetry in Translation: Focus on Vietnam


Modern Poetry in Translation is publishing an issue of our magazine in April 2023. This issue will focus on poems translated from any Vietnamese language, including Vietnamese sign languages such as Ho Chi Minh City Sign Language, Hanoi Sign Language, and Haiphong Sign Language. Everyone is invited to send their …
