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Modern Poetry in Translation: Focus on Vietnam


Modern Poetry in Translation is publishing an issue of our magazine in April 2023. This issue will focus on poems translated from any Vietnamese language, including Vietnamese sign languages such as Ho Chi Minh City Sign Language, Hanoi Sign Language, and Haiphong Sign Language. Everyone is invited to send their …


Poetry Course with Karen Solie


“Poetry,” Laurent Dubreuil writes, “suggests thinking experiments for the unthinkable.” How might we communicate experience in our poems when the meaning of an experience, even to us, seems less than clear? How can we invoke in our poems those encounters whose intensity exceeds language? What is meant by “thinking on …


House of Anansi Submissions Open: February


House of Anansi is open to receive direct submissions from authors twice a year, for a one-month period each, beginning February 1 and August 1. The portal is currently open for submissions. Agents are welcome to submit to individual editors at any time. Before submitting, please take the time to familiarize yourself …


Brick Books Submissions Open


Brick Books publishes full-length poetry collections of the highest quality by both new and established writers. While our definition of poetry is expansive and encompasses many aesthetic modes, we do not publish chapbooks (i.e., books fewer than 48 pages), fiction, or conventional prose nonfiction. Our editors are interested in seeing …


The Malahat Review Long Poem Prize Deadline


The Malahat Review invites entries for its biennial Long Poem Prize. The contest is open to Canadian and international writers anywhere in the world. Deadline: 11:59pm (PST) on 1 February 2023. Two winners will receive a prize of CAD $1,250 each and be published in the magazine's summer 2023 issue …

$20 – $45